Register For School

Student Registration

Please read through the following instructions to register your child in ECSD schools.
If you have questions, please call the high school at (775) 237-5361 or visit the school at
1 Vandal Way.  Monday-Thursday 8 am- 4 pm.

Student RegistrationNew Student Registration Pre-Kindergart en-12th Grade:
Open July 15, 2024

Click HERE to Register New Students (Family is new to the School District.)

Families who have an incoming kindergarten or a new student, and DO NOT have another student currently enrolled/attending school at Eureka County School District, please complete online registration through the above link.  No currently enrolled students.

Student RegistrationReturning Student Registration, In-District Registration:
Open July 15, 2024

Click HERE to Register Students through your Parent Portal Account.

Families who have students currently enrolled/attending Eureka County School District schools and have an incoming kindergarten student or a new student, please use your parent portal account to complete online registration.  Contact the school secretary if you do not have a parent portal account.  You can also update your contact information in the portal link above.
Have a Kindergartener?

New legislation (SB65) in effect July 1, 2023, states that a child must be age 5 on or before August 1st of the current school year in order to be enrolled in kindergarten.  Please call Eureka Elementary or Crescent Valley Elementary if you have questions.


*The following items are required prior to enrollment into Eureka County School District. *

•State Issued Birth Certificate

This may not be a birth record announcement form from a hospital.  If you do not have a birth certificate you have 30 days to present one.  This will not keep your child from being enrolled.

•Valid ID for Parent/Guardian
Driver's license, passport, military ID, etc.

•Proof of Address
Acceptable documents include a current driver's license, utility bill, car insurance, car registration, pay stub, rent receipt, lease agreement, or mortgage agreement.  We require a physical and mailing address on file.

•Current Immunization Record
* Nevada Law requires all students entering public school to be 
immunized. *

•Polio: 3 doses (one additional dose if #3 was given prior to the 4th birthday.)
•DTP: 4 doses (one additional dose if #4 was given prior to the 4th birthday.)
•MMR: 2 doses (1st dose on or after 12 months of age; 2nd dose between ages of 4-6 years old.)
•HepA: 2 doses (2nd dose is due 6-12 months after first.)
•HepB: 3 doses (2nd dose is due 1-2 months after the 1st; 3rd dose is due 4 months after the 1st dose and 2 months after the 2nd dose; last dose must be after 24 weeks of age.)
•Varicella: 2 doses (1st dose between 12-15 months of age; 2nd dose between the ages of 4-6 years old, for those who lack medically verified proof of history of chickenpox.)
•Tdap: 1 dose (age 11-12, required for the 7th grade enrollment.)
•MCV4: 1 or 2 doses (One dose required prior to 7th grade entry and, starting in the 2022-23 school year, one dose prior to 12th grade entry.) *If dose 1 is administered on or after 16th birthday, no further doses required.

rev. 6/15/2023